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Writer's pictureMischa Temaul

Bible Study: Panorama of Prophecy with Pastor Doug Batchelor

I didn't get a chance to write a blog post about this when it started on October 15th. I did mention it during my IG live. It's definitely a series of presentations people should watch---especially witnessing and seeing everything happening now in the world. We are without a doubt seeing the signs Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24.

Personally, I enjoy the way God uses Pastor Doug to present and share His Word with people. He explains Bible history and scriptures in a way that a little kid can understand. God truly has blessed him---and his team at Amazing Facts.

My Mum was the one that told me about Pastor Doug and how she wanted me to do Bible study with him (Mum had seen some of his presentations on 3ABN.) When one of his sermons was on telly, Mum showed me. At that time I was not focused on God/spent time in His Word, but still prayed, went to church, and such---I didn't have a solid relationship with Him at that time.

After watching the sermon, I checked out and signed up for their Bible study guides. The Holy Spirit was definitely working in my heart cause I do feel I've changed. Of course, there are certain things God has to work on, but as with any relationship, quality time together is needed. I want to fully reflect Jesus's character in me because it's Him that lives in me---"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven,” is Matthew 5:16 [KJV].

My desire or goal these days is just to share God's Word with others so they can learn about Him as well before His return. And, He is definitely coming soon. No doubt, if's or but's about that.

The Panorama of Prophecy presentations has been amazing spiritual food. Sabbath coming (November 13th) will be the final presentation. However, for those interested, check out the website to watch the previous presentations.

Especially if anyone is needing hope, please watch these presentations.

"In Christ alone, my hope is found

He is my light, my strength, my song."

Stay safe & God Bless,



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