행복한 안식일 되세요! Happy Sabbath!
Lord, thank You for bringing us through another week, for Your protection, and Your guidance. You always remain faithful in keeping Your promises to those that put their trust & faith & their lives in Your hands daily. Even if we face challenges or difficulties in life, You go through it WITH us and bring us through it every time. Thank You, Lord, for Your love and mercy.
My co-worker, Nelson, had sent me the English version of this song--gosh, I can't remember when it was...I think maybe last year? Either way, I came across this Korean version of the song and it's just as amazing. Honestly, it literally does not matter what language it is because there is just something that you feel when singing or listening to Gospel songs.
As I'm learning Korean, I thought I'd share parts of the lyrics along with the English translation.
주 네게 복 주사
The Lord bless you & keep you
주 너를 지키시고 은혜 베푸시네
May His face shine upon you & be gracious to you
그 얼굴 비추사 평안주네
The Lord turn His face toward you & give you peace
주의 은혜 너의 위에
May His favour be upon you
천 대까지 흘러가리
And a thousand generations
너의 가정 너의 자녀
And your family and your children
그 자녀의 자녀까지
And their children and their children
May His presence go before you And behind you and beside you All around you and within you He is with you He is with you
In the morning in the evening In your coming and your going In your weeping and rejoicing He is for you He is for you
It's definitely a song I want to try memorizing in Korean. The first part of it I've gotten down, but the other parts I need to work on in regards to the pronunciation. My reading and pronunciation skills are not the best since it takes me 40 days and 40 nights. LOL.
Here's the video for anyone interested:
Have a wonderful & happy Sabbath.
Stay safe & God Bless.
Kindest Regards,
P.S. That photo in the center of the iPod was taken by me! It makes me think of that great day we're all eagerly awaiting.