In one of my previous blog posts, I mentioned I wanted to delete all my social media platforms because they felt like a distraction and just a complete waste of time. However, God gave me the idea to use my social media platform--at that time Instagram--to share His Word with others.
Of course, there are many IG accounts that already share the Word of God. How exactly was mine going to be different from those? And how do I share His Word in a fun and unique way? Those were the questions/thoughts I wondered about, but God was already working out a plan.
Before I go any further, I need to mention that I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian. I strongly believe the Sabbath--the 7th day of the week which is Saturday--is God's true Sabbath. God NEVER changed His Holy Day to Sunday according to the Bible. When Jesus resurrected on SUNDAY, He NEVER said to His disciples: "Alright, Home Skills, since I came back to life on Sunday, Imma change My Sabbath to Sunday." Nowhere in the Bible/Scripture is this found.
The world knows this: Jesus was crucified on Friday, He kept His Father's Commandments in death because He rested on the Sabbath (Saturday), and He resurrected on Sunday (1st day of the week.)
What day comes between Friday and Sunday? Saturday.
Crucified = Friday
Rested = Saturday
Resurrected = Sunday
If someone can point out in the Bible that God changed His Sabbath, please let me know. However, you will not find any Scripture stating that because God never changed it. The change was man-made. The Catholic Church made that change, and they admitted to it.
Why am I mentioning all of this? Well, it is one way my IG account is different from others. The majority of the IG accounts I come across all mention worshipping on Sunday. My IG account will only ever support, acknowledge, and obey the worship of God's true Sabbath which He established during creation.
Over and over again, Jesus said that if we love Him, to keep His Commandments. This absolutely 1000% includes the Sabbath. And, it's the only Commandment that begins with the word "Remember" and the only Commandment that has the word "Holy." It's God's Holy Day.
Okay, so that's one way my IG account is different. Actually, it's the primary principle in how my IG account is different.
Another way my IG account is different from others is that God gave me the idea to share His Word while learning Korean. And, it's not even solely through learning Korean, but through photography and food as well. I share photos of my pets and of photos I've taken--also, I post videos or do live streams. I want to make it interactive and personal so others can be able to see God's light shine through me.
With that being said, He inspired me with an idea to use WattPad. Many of you know I decided to use that platform to publish my book, Namaste India!, instead of keeping it shelved. I'll be using WattPad to post sort of like an "e-blog" or "e-journal" which will follow my journey learning Korean, stories I'm working on, photos, and also, sharing my relationship with God.
I'll also be posting up a separate book on WattPad that pertains to God's original health plan. I'm excited about all these various projects! My only problem is finding time! However, God's going to work that all out, so I'm not worried.
I'm happy I took that step in publishing Namaste India! on WattPad. I have to admit I'm becoming obsessed with it (WattPad) LOL! I just love that I have a platform to share my writing even if no literary agent or publisher cares for it. In addition, I love that I am able to share God's Word with others through digital ministry. We are to be His disciples and to share His Word with others before He returns. There are many channels and outlets that anyone can do this. Just pray and ask Him to guide you--He'll answer you.
Say: Here I am, Lord. Send me.
Believe me, He will hear you.
Look at me as an example. I'm a digital missionary sharing God's Word with others through the things He knows I love. Now, I can't say I'm 1000% awesome at Korean! LOL. However, I know the only way I'll master that language is through His help. And, even if I don't master it, the little that I do know, I will use to continue to share His Word.
Stay Safe & God Bless.
Kindest Regards,