행복한 안식일 되세요! Happy Sabbath!
Despite it being a bit cold, it's an absolutely beautiful Sabbath day. The Lord has brought us through another week and to another Sabbath to worship and give Him the praise He deserves.
It was Thanksgiving here in the US on Thursday; a time to reflect and think about the things one is thankful for. However, for me, I don't need to wait for a specific holiday to do this. Every day is a new blessing, new mercy from God. He's the one that sustains us and to Him, thanks and praises should be given every day--especially on His Holy Sabbath day where we come to Him for rest and to spend quality with Him.
There is so much I'm thankful and blessed for that the Lord has provided--without Him, I am nothing and without Him, I can do nothing.
We tend to forget at times the things the Lord has done for us--the battles He's brought us through, the promises He has kept, the blessings He has given us, and much more. If we think that everything we own--be it having a successful career or a lovely home--is all based on our hard work and determination, then we are mistaken. The talent or skills we have are gifts given to us by God. Everything belongs to God. Psalm 24:1-2.
Remind Me, Dear Lord.
This is another song my Granny often sang. It's also the song she wanted us to sing during her funeral, but I can't remember whether we sang it or not.
The lyrics are beautiful and moving.
The things that I love
I hold dear to my heart are just borrowed they're not mine at all
Jesus only let me use them
to brighten my life
So remind me, remind me dear Lord
Roll back the curtain of memory now and then
show me where you brought me from and
where I could have been
just remember I'm a human and human's forget
so remind me, remind me dear Lord
Nothing good have I done
to deserve God's own Son
I'm not worthy of the scars
in His hands
yet he chose the road to Calvary
to die in my stead
why He loved me I can't understand
Roll back the curtain of memory now and then
show me where you brought me from and
where I could have been
just remember I'm a human and human's forget
so remind me, remind me dear Lord
Just remember I'm a human and human's forget
so remind me, remind me dear Lord
I was listening to it on Spotify when I came across a Korean version of the song by Baek Hyoungsu.
Here's the video for those interested:
I've been on the hunt for more Korean Christian songs. I'm happy I discovered him. If you're a listener of Kpop but have been looking for Korean Christian songs, check him out. Also, do share any artists that you may know as well!
Have a wonderful & happy Sabbath.
Stay safe & God Bless.
Kindest Regards,